Hi all my dear followers and visitors!
I have a little blog candy to give away.
The reason?
It is my Birthday month and I have recently been so incredibly lucky winning other blog candies that it is time to give back!
And here are my goodies:
So if you want to win:
- you must leave a comment on this blog post.
It would be nice, if you would link the candy on the sidebar of your blog to spread the news
You should be a follower on my blog.
This post will be up until April 30th, I will draw the winner May 1st - and announce it shortly thereafter.
Please only join, if you like my blog, not just for the chance to win the candy... ;)
- you must leave a comment on this blog post.
It would be nice, if you would link the candy on the sidebar of your blog to spread the news
You should be a follower on my blog.
This post will be up until April 30th, I will draw the winner May 1st - and announce it shortly thereafter.
Please only join, if you like my blog, not just for the chance to win the candy... ;)
It is so nice of you to have a giveaway prize. Congrats to you.
What a sweet and lovely ting to do for your Birthday - YOU're supposed to receive gifts - not give them away - LOL!
DTM for Memory box
My Personal blog: http://stampingwithbibiana.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the give-away on your birthday - always spreading the joy! :)
Vor(oder nach-?)traeglich Alles gute zum Geburtstag!
Happy Birthday Cornelia!
Happy Birthday!
And thats lot of candy, that I like :-) A lovely giveaway..
Thanks for the chance to win some candy; very nice of you!
und alles herzlich gute zum Geburtstag! ā„ ...an welchem Tag hast du uns ja nicht verraten *Augenroll*
Das tolles Candy lass ich mir natĆ¼rlich nicht entgehen und hĆ¼pfe sofort in den Lostopf solange noch Platz ist! *haha*
Freut mich, dass du die Sachen bekommen hast, fast wƤren sie pĆ¼nktlich zu Ostern angekommen...
FĆ¼r die anderen Posts, komme ich sƤter noch mal, um meinen Senf dazu zu geben ;-) ...ich komm gar nicht mehr mit, du bist so verdammt schnell!! *gg*
Ich wĆ¼nsch dir einen schƶnen Abend...
LG Rosi
So now I can live on the hope...to get you beautiful candy!!
Have a wonderful day, here in Sweden the spring has come and the sun is shining
kann man jetzt schon gratulieren oder erst Ende des Monats?
Vorsorglich jetzt schon mal: Herzlichen GlĆ¼ckwunsch zum Geburtstag.
Viel GlĆ¼ck, Gesundheit und KreativitƤt im neuen Lebensjahr.
Ein tolles und groĆzĆ¼giges Candy hast Du zusammengestellt, da hĆ¼pfe ich gerne in den Lostopf und verlinke es in meiner Sidebar.
Lass Dich groĆzĆ¼gig feiern und lasse Dich von Deinen Lieben verwƶhnen.
Liebe GrĆ¼Će
Ich schau ƶfters bei dir vorbei, auch wenn ich nicht immer kommentiere.
Also visit my blog: wiki.rs.uni-heidelberg.de
really love your creations and loking forward to 'work' with you..
Thanks for the chance to win