Hi Everyone,
Its challenge time at ATSM! For the next week we want you to play along with us - the topic is CAS.

I used that grumpy cat from Skipping Stones Designs and colored it with Inktense Pencils. Teh sentiment is from the same set. Added pink splatters.
We have a wonderful sponsor for this challenge:
Prize is 4 digis from the store
Come on by and get inspired by our talented DT! I hope to see you all over at ATSM!
Linking up with:
Simon Says Monday Challenge - ombre - did some ombre coloring of the cat
Simon Says Wednesday Challenge - no designer paper
Simon Says - Work it Wednesday
Twofers - Sassy

Happy Stamping!
I may have told you but I was diagnosed with a very rare immune disorder which could render me blind someday.. I know it won't (knock on wood) but it made me realize in crisp detail how I looked at the world, at color, and objects. I wanted to ask if the same has happened to you? Since you are on the other side I wanted to ask if my experience was unique.
Anyway so glad to see you again.. Looking forward to seeing you on HOC my team lead!! Take care and see you soon.
Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!
Suchi xx
was für eine witzige Karte....
Viele Grüße aus der alten Heimat
LG Gundi
Die Katze mit den Sprenkeln lässt den Gedanken freien Lauf!!!
Klasse gemacht!!!
Ganz liebe Grüße
love the splatter in pink Cornelia
cute sentiment too...makes me smile
und ich moechte sagen ATSM nicht mehr 2 Woche challenge oder suesse
bitte dein Post ein Mal korrigieren dann nächstes Mal copy paste (wie ich hehehe)
weil wenn ich dein Post sehe das ist immer 2 Wochen geschrieben
bitte sei nicht boese
ich schreibe auf deutsch nicht auf englisch hehe..
hoffentlich deine Augen wieder besser und mal Zeit mein Blog zu besuchen
ich hab dich vermiss..
Art without Anxiety {My Personal Blog}