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200 Blog Followers Celebration!

Hi Everyone,

I am so happy to share this good news with you! My membership now reached 200 and that needs to be celebrated! I never dreamed of  having so many followers when I started my blog. You all have enriched my life enormously and brightened my days with your delightful comments. I have found blogging friends all over the world. I am so impressed you liked my cards enough that you decided to join my blog and stuck around - some of you now for 2 1/2 years and for that I am grateful! I want to THANK all of you - oldies and newbies alike and give a little something back to you.

 Let's celebrate together!  

I have two gift coupons for $25 to give away from my favorite companies:

The iStencil gift card is generously donated by Cheri Tabor from iStencil - thank you Cheri!!!!

Sounds good?

So here is the deal - no rafflecopter thingies to do, no joining my Pinterest boards, no facebook likes or whatever. But you HAVE to be a member on my blog in order to qualify for the give-away and you HAVE to leave a comment on this post, so that I know you are interested in the give away. Please only become a member if you like my cards. If you are an email follower you also qualify, of course, just mention it in your comment. You can put up a picture of the give away on the side bar of your blog and if you do - let me know and you get double the chance to win. 

This post will be up until May 3rd and I will announce the winners shortly thereafter,

See you in blog land!


cm said…
Cheering and applauding this marvelous milestone, Cornelia! YOU have enriched OUR lives, especially mine, with your amazing creativity, sweet comments and (lucky me) gifts and cards that are absolutely heart-warming! I follow you via Feedly (so make that 201 followers *grin*) AND my blog is proudly displaying your celebration image! I bet your followers will be doubling more quickly than you can imagine!
Congratulations, Cornelia! I really love toe blog and your cards! You inspires me every single day! Thank you so much for you'd job)
Tanja said…
gerade noch Geburtstag und jetzt die 200-Follower-Grenze überschritten - wow - da gibt es was zu Feiern - meine herzlichsten Glückwünsche und vielen Dank für das tolle Giveaway
papierelle said…
Die Fanfaren schmettern, Glückwunsch!!
Ich freue mich auch immer wieder, Deinen Blog gefunden zu haben, Deine Ideen und Kreativität scheinen unbegrenzt zu sein (hoffentlich!!), so das wir noch lange und viel von Dir sehen können!! Gern verlinke ich!!
Herzlichst Gundi
Sazzle Dazzle said…
Congratulations on hitting that amazing 200 followers Cornelia. Wish I'd seen your blog at the start but once I found it I couldn't resist stopping by in awe at your unique creations almost daily. Here's to the next 200 followers. Well done and so deserved. X
Suchi said…
Yaayy Cornelia!! Congratulations for 200 followers!! I am already a follower of your gorgeous blog. May you get many MANY followers! :)

Also added the image to my sidebar.

Thanks for this generous chance! :)

Suchi xx
Ela said…
Hi Cornelia,

200 wow, das ist eine Menge! Ist aber auch verdient! Gratuliere!
Julie B said…
How fantastic Cornelia, it's such a warm feeling when you realise that people are interested in what you do.
I did a little happy dance yesterday when I topped 60,000 page views but I'm nowhere near your 200 followers, Congrats. :)
Julie B said…
OOps forgot to say I've posted your celebration image. :)
Well done, Cornelia.. on achieving 200.. it is curious but when we are lower down the order it does not seem to be so hard, once up near 200+ and seems a struggle very pleased for you..

Am sorry, am bad blogger hardly ever comment but saw this on my dashboard and thought I had better congratulate you!!
Well done, Shaz in Oz.x
Pam said…
Fabulous accomplishment, Cornelia, and I know why. Your blog is so full of inspiration, that I can't wait to see your posts and beautiful creations. I follow by email, and love every one I open. xoxo
Anonymous said…
Wow!! That's superb!! Congratulations Cornelia!!! Wish you more success and more followers...and more cards for us to see to!! ;)
- Ashwini
Congrats, Cornelia!! I've so enjoyed your beautiful creations and what a sweet way for you to be celebrating by a give-a-way!! Looking forward to seeing your wonderful talent!!
Flo said…
Großartig!!! Jetzt auch noch ein Giveaway für uns!!! Danke vielmals.
Aber 200 Leser sind schon eine Hausnummer!!! Das spricht für sich und für dich.
Liebe Grüße,
tonilea said…
Congratulations on 200 followers. I always enjoy seeing your cards and have used them as inspiration for some of my own. I follow on email but usually then click over to read more. Thanks
Kristie Goulet said…
Congratulations, Cornelia! So happy for you! LOVE your blog and am a very happy follower. :) Thank you for the chance to win.
hellerlittle said…
Yeah ich bin 1/200 und feiere gerne diesen Anlass mit dir !!!
Grade habe ich zum Geburtstag gratuliert und nun so ein tolles Ereignis *respekt
Klar habe ich dich in meiner rechten Sidebar verlinkt *zwinker
und " I do my fingers cross" ;o)
danke für die Chance auf einen tollen Gewinn
CU hellerlittle
StampinJessica said…
Hallo Cornelia,
ich gratuliere zu so vielen Followern. Davon kann ich nur träumen. Toll !
Herzlichen Dank für die Chance auf das Giveaway !
BożenA said…
Hello Cornelia,
I am your follower, stopped me with you your unique card. I follow you via email. I hope that you will still be for me a great source of inspiration and interesting solutions:-)
I am glad that I am among the 200 people that you're visiting in our homes:-)
New Creations said…
Congratulations on reaching more than 200 followers and many more! I love your creations, design style and become a new follower now! Posted the pic in my side bar to send more traffic!
Thanks for the chance to win this generous giveaway!
Christine Kiehl said…
Jumping up and down smiling for your 200 flowers! I'm one of them!!! Congrats!
Lynne in NI said…
Congratulations Cornelia!
shirley-bee said…
Congrats on achieving 200 discerning followers ;) You're on my sidebar :)
Anita in France said…
Congratulations, Cornelia ... what a fantastic milestone! Proud to be among your (Feedly) followers, enjoying your creativity and mega talent! Anita :)
Monika Reeck said…
now today as I seen it is 204 follower
how can you get them may I ask the recipe...I know I cant comment to all my follower..but maybe you can give me the tips dear LOL...I love your cards all are inovative all are with new technique and you learn new technique so fast ich kann es nicht bin so langsam LOL
also you change from CAS card now to be mixed media lady and also sponged stencil you are the queen
Cornelia I am proud to know you..
and I am not here to be the can draw it and if I am the winner hehehe Aries girl sometimes Lucky am I right...oh ja today it is 12 degree it is colldd but last monday and tuesday was sunny until 19 Degree in Munich
biig hugs and I go sleep zzzz
Congrats on the 200 followers. I just realized that I was not following you. I have seen all of your post from STAMPlorations and I do enjoy the seeing the projects you share. Thanks for the chance.
Susanne Vargas said…
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Cornelia, zu diesem beeindruckendem Meilenstein! Es ist immer eine Freude, deine schönen Karten zu sehen!
joy said…
Hi, Cornelia! I have been a follower for a long time now and your cards are just a delight to see! Always something fun and interesting to learn from your creativity. Congrats on 200 followers!!
Jill said…
HI, and congratulations! I'm only relatively new to your blog, but I love getting your emails with inspiration in every the way, I am from Australia, the land down under!!! Keep 'em coming!!
Vicki Dutcher said…
Congratulations well deserved
Kim Heggins said…
Cornelia....a big congrats to you! How exciting for you. I love your blog and your cards are always so amazing. Here's to 200 followers!
D.Ann C said…
Congrats! I've been here frequently from Stamplorations and have enjoyed your cards (the butterfly one recently was a fav! Now a follower.
Donna Nuce said…
Hi Cornelia! Congratulations on 200+ followers. How silly that I am on a DT with you and somehow had forgotten to click the button to join your site. I fixed that now! I have been following you on Feedly! Congrats again and thanks for the chance to win!
I am now following by Google. I love seeing your work.
Deepti said…
Yay! Congrats :) I am sure you will have a long list
Marianne said…
Congrats on reaching this milestone, Cornelia. So happy I found your blog some weeks ago. Thanks for the chance to win.
sandie said…
Congrats on 200 and so kind of you to offer is all the chance of winning your gift, thanks for all your inspiration x
Lee-Anne said…
Awesome news, Cornelia! Congrats on 200 followers! And given your amazing designs...won't be long till you double that!
ionabunny said…
Hi Cornelia, yeah you, 200 followers. I have just added myself. Not sure why I wasn't before cos your cards always catch my eye. Congrats and thanks for this generous giveaway. Hugz
Mynn xx said…
Congratulations on your milestone, Cornelia! LOVE all your gorgeous work, friend! Thanks for the chance to win! HUGS! :) Mynn xx
Wei Wei said…
Congratulations on 200 followers!!!
Joyce said…
Congratulations on all your followers. I love your cards too. I came over to thank you for your comment on my card today.
Deborah Frings said…
Congratulations on hitting the 200 milestone - a great achievement. And I thought I was already following you, but it appears not! That's now been fixed! Once again, congratulations xxx
Di said…
Well done on the 200+ milestone Cornelia! Richly deserved as your work is always fabulous!

A lovely giveaway and I'd like to be included for a chance please - seems strange being on the other end of things :)


Di xx
Lilian said…
Congratulations! Love all your cards! Thanks for a chance to win! =)
*Vicki* said…
YAY!!! Congrats on all of your following my dear!! I know there will be more and more coming!!! :) You are very talented and so happy that I found you in the blogland!!! HUGS and a thank you!!!
2amscrapper said…
congrats! I enjoy seeing your work as part of the STAMPlorations DT where I'm a club member. I follow and do the email thingie.
Shona Chambers said…
That really is a momentous milestone! Congratulations and obviously people are discovering your amazing card making talent and following along with gusto! Bet it won't take long to get to 500 followers next....So happy for you!
Kim M said…
I can't believe I haven't congratulated you yet on this amazing accomplishment! I remember seeing this post but I guess I forgot to comment. My bad. :-). 200 followers! That's so awesome! You deserve it though. You make such awesome cards and you post all the time. You are so friendly and open too. Congrats again, my friend! Hugs! :-)
Marianne said…
I have just posted the celebration picture on my blog.
Becca Cruger said…
You definitely deserve 200 followers - your work is amazing!!! So glad that I've gotten to know you better!
Barbara Rankin said…
So happy for you, Cornelia. Congrats on making the 200 mark!!!
Donna said…
Cornelia, you have a beautiful style, I am not surprised you have so many followers, congrats on this milestone!
Nora Noll said…
Congratulations on hitting 200. I just signed up to follow your blog!!
Bobby said…
Congratulations on reaching such a milestone, Cornelia. I do enjoy your work, even if I don't always get around to commenting on it.
Warm congratulations sweet Cornelia! Count me in :)

Love and hugs
Rosmarie said…
Hi Cornelia. Herzlichen Glückwunsch für sooo viele Verfolger in nur 2 1/2 Jahren. Aber wenn man einen Blog so gut füttert wie du, kann man sich gar nichts anderes vorstellen!! Ich freue mich ganz toll für dich und verlinke dich auch sofort in meiner Sidebare.
GLG Rosi
Unknown said…
Congrats! I've been following your blog via email for a while now -- always enjoy your cards. Love the most recent green on green card for your friend -- so pretty!
Debbie said…
Congrats on 200! I love receiving your email. You are so creative. Keep up the great work!
conil said…
Congratulations on your milestone. That's a biggie. And thanks for the "heads up" on my prize win on Stamplorations. BTW, I've joined the 200. Kudos to you.
joy said…
Thanks, Cornelia, for letting me know about winning at Stamplorations!! So happy!
2amscrapper said…
You know I'm in it to win it! You are such an inspiration!

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