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Out Sick

Hi Everyone,

I thought I 'll let you know why I dropped out of blog land all of a sudden recently and were not able to visit your blogs and admire you wonderful cards and leave comments. I really miss you all. I miss card making and my creative time in my card room. A big part of my life is all of a sudden missing.....

One and a half weeks ago I developed acute vitreal detachment and 2 days later as a complication of  that a retinal tear causing a lot of bleeding into my eye. That totally took my out. I had two procedures in the meantime to seal the tear. The second was successful. Now the tear needs to heal. There is still a risk over the next weeks for additional tearing. I am not allowed to do anything, but sit around. No reading, rapid eye movements, lifting or anything. Besides that, I can barely see anything in my eye - still blood in there and humongo floaters. So I keep it short. Hopefully all will heal well and I will be back............


Di said…
Oh Cornelia, what a thing to happen! Time and patience should make the healing go well. Take it easy my friend - sending you love and hugs, from Parsnip and of course myself!

Di xx
Cathy said…
Sorry to hear about your eye Cornelia, it sounds dreadful! I hope you are better soon, take care, Cathy x
KT Fit Kitty said…
OMGoodness, so sorry to hear this. Eyesight is a precious gift. I hope you heal fully and quickly. I miss your beautiful cards!
Tanja said…
I am hoping for your fast and full recovery - sending hugs
Donna Nuce said…
Sending healing prayers your way.
Ashwini Rao said…
Its great that you were able to get the treatment and it went well. Wish you a speedy and safe recovery, Cornelia!! Hugs!
Please take care Cornelia and sending you healing prayers. Hugs xx
Dear Cornelia,
Am so very sorry to hear this, praying for complete healing for you, I know of someone with this issue [who is ok now :)] and it is very serious so do as the Dr orders in all things...
Every blessing dear friend,
Shaz in Oz.x
hellerlittle said…
oh Liebelein ich bin in Gedanken bei dir, hoffentlich erholen sich deine Augen ganz schnell und du bist auf dem Weg der Heilung.
Das Alles klingt so schlimm, grade wenn etwas am Kopf nicht stimmt, aber wenn es die Augen betrifft ist das schrecklich.
ich hoffe und bete für dich
von Herzen hellerlittle
papierelle said…
Kopf hoch .... aber ganz langsam, das wird wieder!!! Nimm Dir die Zeit, die Du brauchst und die Dir die Ärzte verordnet haben!!! Ich weiß, Geduld zu haben ist für uns Kreative nicht möglich, vor allem wenn es in den Fingern kribbelt.
Feste Umarmung und GLG Gundi
Julie B said…
Oh Cornelia, I'm so sorry to hear this news. So be a good girl and do as the docs say and hopefully you'll be back toot sweet. Big hugs. :) xx
Aileen said…
Cornelia I hope that everything is back in working order soon. Nothing worse than just having to sit and not be able to do anything. Thinking of you with lots of positive thoughts. Take care and dont agrivate it.
Kristie Goulet said…
So very sorry to hear this, Cornelia! Praying you heal quickly and are able to recover completely with full eye sight. Hugs!!!
Kate said…
Oh that sound really bad. I hope you are doing better sending lots of love and healing wishes to you xx
Kate xx
Vicki Dutcher said…
This issuch awful news! Sending fast healing thoughts your way Looking forward to you being back soon!
Hanna said…
Liebe Cornelia,

ich bin geschockt, denn das Augenlicht ist so unglaublich wichtig und es ist einfach unvorstellbar es zu verlieren. Ich hoffe, dass Du vernünftig bist und alles tust, um es nicht zu gefährden.
Der Blog kann warten aber der Verzicht aufs Basteln ist sicher hart, plötzlich so unbeschäftigte Hände ... Ich wünsche Dir, dass alles schnell heilt und Du Deine Sehkraft in vollem Umfang zurückerhältst! In Gedanken bin ich, und sicher ganz viele andere Menschen, bei Dir und drücken Dir alle Daumen.

Sei ganz herzlich gegrüßt von
Darnell said…
I just assumed you were busy with summertime activities, Cornelia, or maybe you were on holiday. I really appreciate that you were able to let us all know what's going on so we don't wonder. I'm very sorry this has happened and I pray there will be no setbacks and your eye will heal successfully. We will all be here when you are able to come back! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Darnell
conil said…
Oh crap! Just thought you were on vacation, Cornelia. You poor darling. Can't imagine how awful this has to be for you. Half blind AND you can't do creative work or even read, for that matter. Well, take your time, let the eye heal and we'll send all the prayers and positive, healing thoughts to help you recover. I'm amazed you were able to get this post done. Hopefully, someone will read these lovely comments to you. Just know we're thinking of you and miss you.
cm said…
Sending more hugs, positive thoughts and prayers for a speedy, uncomplicated, full scale recovery! Thinking of you and missing you immensely!
Pam said…
I'm so sorry this happened to you, Cornelia. Sending many payers, hugs and kisses your way!
Unknown said…
So sorry to hear that news! Sending healing thoughts and energy your way.
BożenA said…
My dear Cornelia,
I'm sorry for your troubles with the eyes. However, I believe that everything will end well, and the eye will be healthy again. I cross my fingers and pray for your recovery.
Susanne Vargas said…
Oje, das tut mir aber leid! Habe mich schon gewundert, was los ist und gedacht, ich sollte vielleicht mal emailen! Wollte dich gerade anrufen, aber nun finde ich deine Telefonnummer nicht mehr, die du mir nach meinem Unfall geschickt hast! Ich kann gut nachfühlen, wie es ist, wenn man nichts machen kann! Zum aus der Haut fahren! Hast du book on tape oder sowas?
Ganz liebe Grüsse für eine schnelle Genesung und viel Geduld,
Oh,poor you-hoping your eye heals quickly Cornelia-how frustrating too when you are unable to do anything crafty-crafty folks are not "patient" patients!!Itching to create I am sure,
Hugs,Nessa xx
Sarah G said…
How awful! Thinking of you, Cornelia, and hope that your sight recovers soon x
Anita in France said…
Oh Cornelia, how awful ... I'm so sorry to hear that you've been so unwell ... I thought you were just busy. Sending you warm healing thoughts ... and prayers for a swift and complete recovery! Hugs to you, my friend! Anita :)
Unknown said…
Thinking of you, from Australia.....

Kara Lynne said…
Dear Cornelia, what you must be going through right now! Everything else can wait, now it's time to heal. I am praying for you!
Hannelie said…
I was thinking you were a bit quiet Cornelia!
Hope everything heals soon and that you will soon be crafting again.
Hugs and best wishes
ThePurplePlace said…
You've been on my mind for days! I am sooo very sorry that you have been having health issues....! My heart goes out to you and as you know I can relate! I HOPE you too will be on the road to recovery SOON!

Big Hugz,
ThePurplePlace said…
YOu continue to be in my thoughts ! Praying for a FULL recovery and hope you'll be back creating again very SOON!

SonjaK said…
Oh je, ich hab's jetzt erst gelesen. Das hört sich ja nicht schön an. Gute Besserung! Ich drück dir die Daumen, dass du bald wieder Lesen und Basteln kannst.
Virginia L. said…
I am so sorry to hear that you are dealing with serious eye problems! Please take this time to heal. Perhaps your love ones can read the comments here to help you feel better. Sending big hugs to you and hope your eye-sights will be back to normal. Please don't rush to do any reading/activities. You need to take the time and heal.
Kim Heggins said…
Cornelia....sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Cris G. said…
I wish you a speedy recovery. Soon you will be making the cards that you are thinking about while healing. I'm sending you good vibes and get well wishes.
Manuela said…
Hallo Cornelia, keine guten Nachrichten! Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung und das alles schnell wieder abheilt.
Lg Manuela
Suchi said…
Oh!I missed your posts and thought of dropping by your blog to see what's going sorry to hear that...and wish you a very speedy recovery! Take care Cornelia!
Hugs & Love,
Suchi xx
hellerlittle said…
hallo Liebes,
ich vermisse deine Postings und "funny cards". Hoffentlich erholen sich deine Augen und alles verheilt zur Zufriedenheit der Ärzte und deiner Selbst !!!
Miss U
LG hellerlittle

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