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Almost Back..........

Hi Everyone,

I am coming out of hiding really soon. I still have some vision problems, but it is slowly getting better. Yesterday I had another check-up and I do not need any more procedures on my eye. I had 4 so far and it was NOT fun, definitely NOT......Thanks to that, I also learned, that I will not hold up to torture. I'll admit to anything, whatever it was or not, I'll confess. 

I want to thank all of you for your get well wishes, prayers and all those amazing, wonderful cards you sent me. Wow - I am so grateful for all the support and love you poured out to me. I am so touched. 

Since its all good news I want to share this card with you, that I made a LONG time ago and it got published in the October issue of Craft Stamper Magazine! The theme was Arabian nights. The technique is heat embossing on vellum and colored with Copics. The peony stamp is by Stampendous and the sentiment is by STAMPlorations. The inspiration of this card came from the wonderful Virginia Lu - thanks, Virginia!

Linking up with:
Seize the Birthday - anything birthday
Snippets Playground - use a snippet (sentiment strip)

Simon Monday Challenge Blog


Katy said…
This is gorgeous! Love that gold! Yay to no more procedures! Hoping you heal soon! :)
Tanja said…
so schön, dass es Dir wieder besser geht ... das hört sich ja alles furchtbar an ... das soll Dir bitte nicht noch einmal passieren ... ich habe Dich vermisst
Sazzle Dazzle said…
Fabulous and stunning card Cornelia. A complete work of art. So sorry to hear about your health problems and hope you are back at the craft desk really soon. To be honest I've been so busy recently and not visited lots of blogs I like to and thought the other day I'd not seen you around! Take care and look forward to seeing your fabulousness back soon! You're missed! X
hellerlittle said…
hach was bin ich froh *umärmel
ein Lichtblick am Horizont .... nur nicht übertreiben bitte !!!
Ein wunderschönes Kärtchen und die Farbwahl ist für das Thema sehr passend
LG hellerlittle
Cornelia -- so glad to see you back, at least almost back! This is card is just absolutely stunning! No wonder it was published!
Anita in France said…
Welcome back, Cornelia ... so good to see you ... and to hear you're almost back to your usual self! Congratulations on your publish ... I'm not surprised it was chosen ... it's stunning ... rich, bold and beautiful! Hugs to you, my friend, Anita :)
Di said…
So pleased to hear you're getting better Cornelia - I expect it's been a scary time for you (understatement!). Look forward to you coming back to the Playground when you feel able to - meanwhile this is a stunning card! Just gorgeous!


Di xx
Susanne Vargas said…
Liebe Cornelia, ich denke so oft an dich und habe mir Sorgen gemacht! Habe deine Telefonnummer gefunden, die du mir mal geschickt hast und es mehrmal versucht, aber es klingelte nur. Konnte nicht einmal eine Nachricht hinterlassen!
So schön zu hören, dass du auf dem Weg der Besserung bist! Tolle Karte! Freue mich schon, wenn du wieder öfters posten kannst! Aber nur keinen Stress!
Es umarmt dich,
Aileen said…
So good to hear you are nearly back. Look forward to when you can join us all again. Beautiful card too.
Cornelia, thanks god, you need no more operations! I missed you and your gorgeous cards! I hope your health will be al right very soon!
Suchi said…
Welcome back dear Cornelia...Hope you get well super soon! :) The card is so gorgeous..I love the use of heat embossing on Vellum..definitely an Arabian Nights theme.. :)
Suchi xx
Sarah G said…
So glad that you are on the mend and will soon be sharing your creations with us again, Cornelia! Love this stunning card - the gold embossing and rich colours look fab combined with the delicate vellum. Beautiful :)
Hi Cornelia-just stopping by to say hello and glad to hear things are heading in the right direction for you now :)
Lovely card-no wonder it was chosen to be published!
Hugs,Nessa xxx
Flo said…
Allerliebste Cornelia,
ich bin ja soooo froh, dass es dir wieder besser geht. Ja, manchmal braucht man einen Schuss vor den Bug, um wieder etwas ehrfürchtiger zu werden und wahrzunehmen, dass Gesundheit nicht selbstverständlich ist. Allerdings muss es ja nicht so heftig kommen wie bei dir.
Nun gewöhn dir an (ich habe gut reden, mach es ja selber nicht!!!) etwas langsamer zu treten und auf dein Inneres, Dich zu hören.
Ich drücke dich ganz heftig und trinke zur Feier des Tages deiner Rückkehr ins Blogland einen Schluck (Tee, Wasser oder so) auf dein ganz persönliches Wohl.
Ganz ganz liebe Grüße
papierelle said…
Es ist sooooo schön, wieder von Dir zu lesen!! Und so schön zu lesen, das es Dir wieder besser geht!!! Überstürze trotzdem nichts, weiterhin weitere gute Besserung!!!
Die Karte ist wieder großartig, das Thema hast Du perfekt umgesetzt!!
GLG Gundi
Di said…
So pleased you linked this amazing card Cornelia - it's beautiful!!


Di xx
Deepti said…
So good to see you Back Cornelia !! I am sending all the healthy vibes your way :)

Love the card, gold with those colors is awesome !!
Vicki Dutcher said…
AKK! So excited to see you are BACK [almost]! The use of gold on this card is fabulous!
conil said…
Well, it's good to know you'll reveal anything with a little torture. So, no secrets for you. Seriously though, so glad you're coming through this ordeal without permanent damage. Just want you to know, you've been missed a lot. Incidentally, that card is drop-dead gorgeous.
Kim Heggins said…
Sending more well wishes your way and so sorry to hear that you have had to go through difficult procedures. Your card is just lovely and can't wait to see what you do once you are 100% because this is simply amazing!
Monika Reeck said…
I am so happy
that you are not so longer sick
it was 5 september and at 24 September you can posting again Cornelia
it was only 19 days yayy
I love tha tgold embossing so adorable made my friend
I see some of your comment too at Happy little stamper hop
means Cornelia now GESUND yaayyy
I dont want to make your eyes so tired but zwischen durch hab ich viele Karte gebastlet hihi
hope to see you soon on my Blog but take your time sweet friend
hugs, Monika
Karen Petitt said…
So happy to hear that you are on the mend my lovely friend. Also just as happy to hear you've not got to go through any more nasty eye ops.

Well talk about coming back with a bang - wow oh wow!!! I love this and must try and purchase that stamp. It's stunning Cornelia and I'm not surprised it was published. Take good care of yourself teammie! Karen xx
shirley-bee said…
So great to have you back creating again, Cornelia! Love the contrast of the rich gold embossing and strong colours against the vellum.
cm said…
Bedazzled with your card, Cornelia! You've captured the images/colours of what comes to my mind when I think of Arabian Nights...utterly stunning! Congratulations on having this published...WOW!
Shona Chambers said…
Wow Cornelia, this fits the Arabian Nights theme perfectly. Its so dramatic and I love the colours with the gold. I hope all is going well with your procedures and your nearly finished with them all. I can't imagine what you've gone thru of late but can't wait for you to be 100% better again!!
JoAnn said…
Beautiful card. Love the gold embossing. Congrats on being published in Craft Stamper Magazine. Thanks for joining us at Seize the Birthday.
Nancy said…
Sorry to read about your vision problems, hope things continue to improve! Congrats on your publication too! How exciting that must have been, I can see why they picked this card it's really pretty with all the gold edging! Thanks for playing along with us over at Seize the Birthday!

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