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House of Cards

 The summer heat and work made a significant dent into my card making.... My craft room is on the top floor and there is no air conditioning..... I could not get myself to go in there the last couple of days. Never mind, that I was swamped with work anyhow and my evenings were occupied with work.....but today I tackled a card that I knew exactly how I wanted it to be, so it would not take too long to make.

I used watercolor paper and colored it as you can see, using distress ink and a brush. I sprinkled water droplets on it once it was dry. The flower is a die cut from Memory Box (Fresh Daisies die - Simon Says), the sentiment is Papertrey - Dress Form. Some twine and pearls and  voila' - I will be linking this card up with House of Cards challenge - classic and elegant.

And I am also linking this card with Top 1  - Stempelgaudi - link up your favorite card from the previous month - there is a prize to win in addition to the fun looking at other beautiful cards!


And I wanted to show you more of my vacation in Munich. The weather that day wan so so great. We visited Schloss Nymphenburg and saw an exhibit about spiders, before we spent the rest of the day with friends:


Cathy said…
Gorgeous card Cornelia, I love the bg, and that die is one of my favourites. Wow, those spiders are amazing, especially the blue one! Looks like you had a fabulous time :) Cathy x
Ruth M said…
Lovely card Cornelia, the Distress Ink background is wonderful, I love the water droplets effect! Thanks so much for joining us at HOC & I hope you play along with us again very soon! Ruth x
Susan Hogan said…
Your card is spectacular but the photos of the arachnihads is not my favourite part of your post as I have a bit of a phobia about these creatures. The sort of fascinate and repulse in equal measure! Love the scenery and the gorgeous bird life too - but..... I really really love that card. Hope the heat wave is fading.
sue t. said…
I just love your cards! What a great interpretation of the theme! Keep those cards coming! Thanks for playing at HOC this week. Can't wait to see what you do next!
Sara Mac said…
You certainly created an absolutely beautiful card. Colors are just perfect. I love the bold red die cut flower and the water droplets the best.
Vannessa said…
What a gorgeous card Cornelia - very classic and elegant for our challenge. Love the watery effect. Thank you for joining in our challenge this week at House of Cards. Hope to see you again next week!

Hugs, Vannessa
Kim Heggins said…
More fabulous photos! They are just amazing...your card is fabulous too, amazing colors and stunning design!
Monika Reeck said…
Love the flower and the effect you made on the blue colors...great card Cornelia...I catch up now im buero hihi LOL
Tara Cardwell said…
What a classy and elegant card - perfect for our challenge. The spider photos are great too - if a little freaky for an arachnaphobe!
Thanks for joining us at HOC.
Tara (aka Craftilicious_
Alica said…
Very stylish! Love the blue panel and the little pearls are a lovely touch!
Thanks for joining us at House of Cards!

Alica :)
Mynn xx said…
This is beautiful! LOVE the sponged section! Thanks for joining us at House of Cards!!! :)
Stunning card! What colors!!!! Love your background.
And vacation photos too!
And yep - this heat was terrible. I work in Manhatran, this city was melting. By the time I got the only this I could think is lay down and trying not to move lol. You don't have ac on the top floor? Well it won't help anyway those days.
Rosmarie said…
Oh, da wird mir gleich ganz anders!! .... nein nein, ich habe keine Angst vor Spinnen, ich finde sie eher faszinierend und das hier sind sehr schöne Exemplare. Ich habe jedes Jahr so wunderschöne gelb/grün gestreifte in meinem Garten aber das sind Winzlinge gegenüber denen die du da präsentierst.

Deine Karte gefällt mir super gut und ich gratuliere dir zur erneuten Top 5! Mach weiter so ;-)
Michelle said…
Cornelia, that watercolor background is gorgeous! Such a lovely card!
Momo said…
Liebe Cornelia,

mit einer ganz bestimmten Idee lässt sich eine Karte oft leichter und etwas schneller gestalten. Deiner Karte sieht man absolut nicht an, dass du sie "schnell" gebastelt hast - nur getrieben von der Hitze in deinem Zimmer. Dafür wirkt deine Karte nämlich ganz wunderbar erfrischend und stimmt einen gleich fröhlich!

Herzlichen Dank, dass du in der zweiten Challenge-Runde der 'TOP 1' wieder mit dabei bist und uns deine so schöne Sommerkarte in der Lieblingswerke-Galerie präsentierst. Ich freue mich sehr darüber.

Und nun wünsche ich dir weiterhin viel Spaß und Vergnügen bei deinen Besuchen in den anderen teilnehmenden Blogs und viel Erfolg für die Verlosung.

Viele liebe Grüße
Kanan Pandya said…
Lovely card, perfect colors and very pretty design, Cornelia. Sweet pictures, love it. :-)

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